Fraunhofer Liaison Office Brazil
Fraunhofer Liaison Office Brazil
Careers at Fraunhofer
Fraunhofer in Brazil
Fraunhofer in Brazil
About Fraunhofer
Engagement in Brazil
Fraunhofer Liaison Office Brazil
Fraunhofer Groups and Alliances
Fraunhofer Institutes
Fraunhofer IPK Project Office for Advanced Manufacturing at ITA
Conference on Digitization and Virtualization
Fraunhofer at ITAL Campinas
Audio Technology MPEG-H
Focus Areas
Focus Areas
Renewable Energy
Fraunhofer IPK and ITA continue successful cooperation
Innovation potential for valorized cascade use of juice production by-products
MPEG-H at Globo
MediaTek incorporates MPEG-H Audio to its pentonic chips serie
Partnership between MainConcept and Fraunhofer IIS
Workshop Innovations in Green Hydrogen
EnergInno Brazil 2022
Previous Workshops
Workshop Innovations in Bioeconomy
Workshop Innovations in Renewable Energies
Workshop on Agro 4.0
Workshop - “New Business Opportunities in Bioeconomy”
Conference on Digitization and Virtualization
Previous News
Celebrating São João do Nordeste in Brazil with MPEG-H Audio
Fraunhofer at Globo
MPEG-H Audio for TV 3.0
Spin Digital and Frauhofer IIS create a partnership
Collaboration between Fraunhofer IIS and Sumavision experts
MPEG-H in Amazon Region
Fraunhofer at Rock in Rio
MPEG-H and Ministry of Communications in Brazil
Sustainable Energy Event - Fraunhofer ICT
Fraunhofer Project Center for Systems and Software Engineering at UFBA
Fraunhofer ENAS discusses new digital world at MINAPIM 2018
BRALECOMP – 1st Brazilian-German Workshop on Composite Products From Alternative Lignocellulosic Resources
Agro 4.0: Experts discuss advances in digitalization in the field
Former president and current senator of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft attends an event that debates the digitization in Brazil
SV4D project takes internet to isolated communities
Bioeconomy project between Brazil and Germany will study applications for marine macroalgae
FPC@ITA: Advanced Manufacturing in Brazil
Water – valuable and worth protecting!
Fraunhofer Institute IVV signs agreement with AGROPOLO Campinas-Brazil
Careers at Fraunhofer
Careers at Fraunhofer
Career Paths for PhD Candidates
Career Paths for Postdocs and Experienced Professionals
Career Paths for Students and Interns
Exclusive Programs for Women to Upgrade their Career in Germany
Where am I?
Fraunhofer in Brazil
About Fraunhofer
Projects in Brazil
Projects in Brazil
Projects in Brazil
Alternative technologies to improve and control the quality of chocolate
Anaerobic treatment of organic waste
BraTrack - A Low-Cost Marker-based Optical Stereo Tracking System
Coating packing films with proteins
Cooperation between the Fraunhofer-ICT, SENAI-CIMATEC and the THEOPRAX Foundation
Development of photoacoustic sensors for gas detection, application on biological systems
Development of Premium Food Products
Energy Recovery from Sludge Gases at a Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant
Fractionation of sunflower seed
Further development and market introduction of a novel biofuel
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for sustainable water management
Health Care in Brazil
Holistic Optimization of Sculptured Surfaces Manufacturing (HoliMan)
Hydrothermal carbonization using the deep-shaft process
Improving efficiency of the Carioba treatment plant in Americana, São Paulo (SP), Brazil
Innovative technology for drying fruit under gentle conditions
Life Cycle Assessment of the mixed plastic waste railway sleeper
Life Cycle Engineering (GaBi)
NUTES - Center for Strategic Technologies in Health Care
Quick test method for grinding wheels
Innovative approaches for quality assurance and quality improvement of Brazilian agro products
Development of flexible organic solar cells
MOnitoring and COntrol FRAmeworks (BEMO-COFRA)