Are you a researcher, PhD candidate or student from Brazil who is interested in working in Germany? Fraunhofer might be just the employer you are looking for! Let us show you how to get started in your academic career in Germany.
Fraunhofer has over 70 institutes and research units with various specializations such as production technology, renewable energy, environmental studies, information technology, security research, medical technology and many more. Find one that best suits your academic background and interest!
Fraunhofer institutes are directly linked to German universities in the same cities or regions. Several of these universities have Liaison Offices in Brazil or International Offices in Germany that can advise you on finding contacts and funding. Please check out this table for an overview of some of these connections.
For general questions or inquiries about other universities or Fraunhofer institutes, please contact us at the Liaison Office Brazil.
The Fraunhofer institutes and research units advertise their vacant positions in open calls. Click the link below to check if there are any availabilities that fit your profile!
Many Fraunhofer Institutes are already employing Brazilian researchers or have experience in doing collaborative projects with Brazilian partners. Be welcome to get in touch with us at the Liaison Office - we will gladly help you establish contact with the right people at Fraunhofer!
German work culture and ethics may differ from what you know from Brazil. Without indulging in stereotypes or scaring you off, we'd like to give you some helpful advice on what to expect:
Please note that these are just general tips, and we cannot necessarily guarantee that the information is accurate for your particular case.
Health insurance is mandatory for your entire stay in Germany. Find out about health insurance in Germany here.
Travel insurance is a personal but recommended decision. It will serve to cover eventualities that may occur during the flight to Germany, until you are covered by health insurance.
Depending on whether you are a student, a PhD candidate or a researcher, you might have to enrol at a German university. Most of them do not charge tuition, but only a moderate administrative fee. In many cases, this fee includes a ticket for public transportation within the city or region of the university.